Anyway, I wanted to remind you of some of the class rules, as we've gotten along pretty far into the semester, but I would prefer these are still observed. Specifically the following:
6) You are not permitted to use laptops or any other electronic devices during class. Do not bring them to class or turn them off before you enter the classroom. If you have a pacemaker or a hearing aid, please turn them off before entering the classroom.
7) Attendance will be recorded at the beginning of every class. If you will frequently be late to class, inform the professor. Use the restroom before you come to class and do not leave the classroom during class meetings, unless you must.So, as for 6, I'm joking about the pacemakers and hearing aids, but I'm serious about cellphones. And unless you are using a computer to look at a PDF reading for the course, you should not have one. And since we're reading books for the rest of the course ...
As for 7, my main concern is in the third sentence. This is not church or high school (i.e., places where your social obligations may require the occasional stroll down the hallway). If you think it is, you need to rethink why you're spending thousands of dollars for this education. While you're doing that, please use the bathroom before class.
Merci beaucoup!
Reading Kierkegaard? Yes, peachy. Perfectly clear as to what actions to take so as not to commit murder (after reflecting on it for 3 1/2 days). And to obey blindly – to the – absurd.